Sunday, 4 November 2007

The mental art of...fairy cake making on a Sunday when your scales have broken...

Yes, I thought I would make some cakes today so that I would have something sweet to eat...

Unfortunately, I discovered that my scales were broken (then I remembered telling off a child in my class for jumping on them- which would indeed break them-hence the pic of the bin and afore mentioned scales)so...I thought what would JB do? Would she give up and starve? NO! She would use an antique beige plastic measuring cup- so this is what I did, but I haven't included a pic of it as you might all want it.

Here you can see that I made the cake mixture and added loads of cocoa. Thought I would sling in some pictures showing the carnage that ensued- for realism.

I put the cakes in the oven and set the timer - 12 minutes allegedly and did the washing up. Then turned round and ! HORROR!

Yes-you guesssed it- found I had not washed everything as I had thought.

So- cook, cook, cook went the cakes-but for 22 minutes, and they came out looking like this:

They remind me of the knitted tits we made last weekend. Now I have iced them and they look like the knitted tits with icing and sprinkles on:

Dig the retro plate eh? Have to go- my cat wants feeding.

1 comment:

Mithranstar said...

You're so funny, I love your style of writing!

I didn't realise you had a cat - whats her name?

M x